Institutionalized Blak Art

Institutionalized Blak art has four actors (in a simpel version of reality)
A. artwork, the physical form and it's pregnant meaning 
P. pregnator, fire starter, the producer or artist, inactive observers
M. meddler, professional art observer, knowledgeable and intentional observers
O. observer, art audience, minor % of the population, active observers

These aren't four different species of human beings,
just different roles we occupy when we interact with art
at different stages in the process of interacting with art.
In the process of interacting with art we occupy different roles in different situations.

http://blogrigillion - blaka animation -



Blaka is Blaka in Institutionalized Blakart is to be political and N O T he color of your skin to be political is to be pregnant of ideas for the future.

<Dialogue is Art = "Dialog">

Blak Arts pregnant meaning ≠ immanent in the Art object,
(its physical form).
Blak Arts pregnant meaning ≡ the process between you and the Art object.

- When we say these glove are warm, we don't mean that the gloves are warm in itself. We mean that the gloves are good at keeping your hands warm. When we say these gloves are warm we refer to the interaction between you and the glove. You produce heat and the gloves retain it. With the meaning in Blak art it is not different. Blak art objects have no meaning, the meaning in Blak art is in the process (interaction) between you and the Blak art object. -

This process is movement, movement from point A (you) to point B (the physical  Blak Art object) and back to point A.
This movement in its turn is space, the creation of space.
This space relieves you from your duty to understand the artwork.
Instead it encourages you to use the space to move towards the art work.
Back, forward, up, next to and underneath if necessary.

Another word for movement or space in this context is dialog.
In blakart no dialog is no blakart.
The same as not listening or illegal parking.

Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the dialog between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the space between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the movement between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the process between you and the Art object.

in Blakart a Red ball can be blue

In blakart attributing meaning, entails producing recognizable meaning.

>Pregnant meaning<

Pregnant .meaning {

meaning = "Meaning with no fixed values, structures or meaning;

A meaning dressed in the promise of value,

structure and depth."

meaning = "An invisible end product with an imaginary | thus

visible | and recognizable expectation."


!Pregnant meaning is the relative coherence of not yet logic and reason!