The transformation of a "real" event into an object with attributed imaginary meaning.
The meaning attributed to the image by the producer (P.) of the image,
is of no specific value for the restructured meaning attributed by the observer (O.), unless the observer wishes it to be so.
More often than not is the observer (O.) unaware of the attributed meaning of the producer (P.).
The restructured attributed meaning by inhabitants of the institutionalized art construct (M.), such as historians, art dealers, art critics, school teachers and curators etc. is much more readily available due to their superior communication channels and communication skills.
These skill are (not always) per default aimed at the paying audience in an audience friendly language (a language with fixed value's and meaning).
The communication of (P.) the producer on the other hand is more often than not, aimed at themselves and the career enhancing institutions and not towards the visiting audience. In a language with the clarity of site as the muddy water of the river Ganges.