The tre potential impregnators
P., M. and O.
P. stands for Pregnator, the artist or producer of blakart objects.
M. stands for Meddler, an art mediator, art historian, curator or teacher or...
O. stands for Observer, the audience.
They play each their inter-dependent role in the construction of a blakimage A..
P. reconstructs an idea, thought or event into the blakimage A.
P. also attributes A. with meaning. Pregnant meaning.
But even so... blakimage A. still has no meaning in itself, despite the attributed pregnant meaning by P. to blakimage A.
- Just because P. paints the sky green, doesn't make it a meaningful sky. -
When A. is on display in a museum, an office or privat home
M. and O. reconstruct the exhibited object A. into A.
with a meaning.
This has not so much to do with Blakart but more with a common
human condition. Our cognitive abilities. Our ability to see, hear, feel, smell or sense meaning
in anything. One of the many tools from our evolutionary toolbox. This ability works like a double edge blade.
If used in excessive abundance. It can turn
into paranoia. But if not used enough. It cuts you off from the drive to
dare, to discover new idea's, alternative meaning and radical possibilities.
Cognitive processes; Blakart feeds on it and of it.
M. and O. recognize (not necessarily understand) the attributed pregnant meaning by
P. and use it as a guide to construct their own meaning.
A. in blakart never changes into A2. or A'.,
just because it's the reconstructed A. produced by
M. or the reconstructed A. produced by O..
The A. in blakart doesn't change, __/**! only its attributed meaning changes !**/__ because
- blakart opens up for contradicting interpretations -
Different meanings is part of the unholy construct of blakart.
The opposing meaning is always a part of "your" meaning.
What's left, is A. as the signifier and A. as the signified.
(Saussure's 'theory of the sign')
M. and O.
communicate with the signified and use the signifier as silicon or protein bricks to transform meaning from A. to
M. and O.. We observe A.
with one or a combination of our senses and construct a sign in our brain. From this sign M. and O. reconstruct a
pregnant meaning and transmit this pregnant meaning back to A.
Which by now has become an image engulfed in pregnant meaning, impregnated by P., M. and
blak desire

A blakimage has no desire to communicate.
A blakartist has a desire to communicate
and does this by presenting a blakimage,
as the representation of this desire.