I see life love in front of me, behind me, under, above and thus all around me An infinite puzzle floating by the mercy of the sea high on the attraction of the moon Carefully I add puzzling pieces in its turbulent current to complete a life the love to live my life to make fit what wasn't created Me blaka in the puzzle physically and imaginative I like all the other objects on earth blaka in intelligence from stones to plants blaka mammals blaka A fundamental love for movement in life which doesn't just create Oxygen and Hydrogen sweat meat or wheat This love airs poetry friction in science times history This blaka loves me in the wandering dialog of a purposeful and meaningless live

blaka is
blaka is political poetry, not your skin color
blaka has no meaning (you do)
blaka is elitism and is there to be judged on its quality
blaka is on the fault line between opposing constructions
blaka is an innovative synthesis of two or more Weltanschauungen
blaka is not the exclusive domain of non white Europeans
blaka is not a lost tribe or a thing
blaka is continuing unpredictable change
blaka is a full fishnet of sprawling connected intellectual ideas
blaka is not a fight for minority rights
blaka is the fight for an independent and individual human identity
blaka is not a reference to the color of an art work
blaka plays with the gaps in the story History
blaka is a gap recently emptied for meaning
blaka doesn’t produce stable models to predict the future
blaka is a mode of thinking for the production of innovation
blaka opens up for contradicting interpretations
blaka is singularity over universality
blaka is a reflection on interaction
blaka is not superior to any other kind of arty frame work
blaka is not more true than any other kind of arty framework
blaka is not looking for the truth
blaka puts interdependency on the creative edge
blaka cannot and does not want to encompass the whole
blaka doesn’t wait for a story but creates the question
blaka isn’t looking for an ending but a relation
blaka is not a belief
blaka is incompleteness
blaka is the treasure and the map
blaka is named... not invented nor original
blaka is a construction under construction, like the tower of Babylon but with no God to stop it from reaching the sky
blaka always escapes

Kroes 5

Institutionalized Blak Art

Institutionalized Blak art has four actors (in a simpel version of reality)
A. artwork, the physical form and it's pregnant meaning 
P. pregnator, fire starter, the producer or artist, inactive observers
M. meddler, professional art observer, knowledgeable and intentional observers
O. observer, art audience, minor % of the population, active observers

These aren't four different species of human beings,
just different roles we occupy when we interact with art
at different stages in the process of interacting with art.
In the process of interacting with art we occupy different roles in different situations.

http://blogrigillion - blaka animation -



Blaka is Blaka in Institutionalized Blakart is to be political and N O T he color of your skin to be political is to be pregnant of ideas for the future.

<Dialogue is Art = "Dialog">

Blak Arts pregnant meaning ≠ immanent in the Art object,
(its physical form).
Blak Arts pregnant meaning ≡ the process between you and the Art object.

- When we say these glove are warm, we don't mean that the gloves are warm in itself. We mean that the gloves are good at keeping your hands warm. When we say these gloves are warm we refer to the interaction between you and the glove. You produce heat and the gloves retain it. With the meaning in Blak art it is not different. Blak art objects have no meaning, the meaning in Blak art is in the process (interaction) between you and the Blak art object. -

This process is movement, movement from point A (you) to point B (the physical  Blak Art object) and back to point A.
This movement in its turn is space, the creation of space.
This space relieves you from your duty to understand the artwork.
Instead it encourages you to use the space to move towards the art work.
Back, forward, up, next to and underneath if necessary.

Another word for movement or space in this context is dialog.
In blakart no dialog is no blakart.
The same as not listening or illegal parking.

Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the dialog between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the space between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the movement between you and the Art object.
Blak Arts pregnant meaning is the process between you and the Art object.

in Blakart a Red ball can be blue

In blakart attributing meaning, entails producing recognizable meaning.

>Pregnant meaning<

Pregnant .meaning {

meaning = "Meaning with no fixed values, structures or meaning;

A meaning dressed in the promise of value,

structure and depth."

meaning = "An invisible end product with an imaginary | thus

visible | and recognizable expectation."


!Pregnant meaning is the relative coherence of not yet logic and reason!

Who pregnates What!

woodenbackground pic.
woodenbackground pic.

The tre potential impregnators
P., M. and O.

   P. stands for Pregnator, the artist or producer of blakart objects.
   M. stands for Meddler, an art mediator, art historian, curator or teacher or...
   O. stands for Observer, the audience.

They play each their inter-dependent role in the construction of a blakimage A..
P. reconstructs an idea, thought or event into the blakimage A.
P. also attributes A. with meaning. Pregnant meaning.
But even so... blakimage A. still has no meaning in itself, despite the attributed pregnant meaning by P. to blakimage A.
- Just because P. paints the sky green, doesn't make it a meaningful sky. -

When A. is on display in a museum, an office or privat home M. and O. reconstruct the exhibited object A. into A. with a meaning.
This has not so much to do with Blakart but more with a common human condition. Our cognitive abilities. Our ability to see, hear, feel, smell or sense meaning in anything. One of the many tools from our evolutionary toolbox. This ability works like a double edge blade.
If used in excessive abundance. It can turn into paranoia. But if not used enough. It cuts you off from the drive to dare, to discover new idea's, alternative meaning and radical possibilities.
Cognitive processes; Blakart feeds on it and of it.

M. and O. recognize (not necessarily understand) the attributed pregnant meaning by P. and use it as a guide to construct their own meaning.

A. in blakart never changes into A2. or A'., just because it's the reconstructed A. produced by M. or the reconstructed A. produced by O.. The A. in blakart doesn't change, __/**! only its attributed meaning changes !**/__ because
- blakart opens up for contradicting interpretations -
Different meanings is part of the unholy construct of blakart.
The opposing meaning is always a part of "your" meaning.

What's left, is A. as the signifier and A. as the signified.
(Saussure's 'theory of the sign')
M. and O. communicate with the signified and use the signifier as silicon or protein bricks to transform meaning from A. to A., M. and O.. We observe A. with one or a combination of our senses and construct a sign in our brain. From this sign M. and O. reconstruct a pregnant meaning and transmit this pregnant meaning back to A. Which by now has become an image engulfed in pregnant meaning, impregnated by P., M. and O.

blak desire

digital collage of Bouterse and Willem van Orange made by Gillion Grantsaan

A blakimage has no desire to communicate.
A blakartist has a desire to communicate
and does this by presenting a blakimage,
as the representation of this desire.


If you can see Blak art?

To be able to recognize Blak art and Blak meaning in art,
you have to be able to reconstruct the deliberate restructuring process.
The transformation of a "real" event into an object with attributed imaginary meaning.

The meaning attributed to the image by the producer (P.) of the image,
is of no specific value for the restructured meaning attributed by the observer (O.), unless the observer wishes it to be so.
More often than not is the observer (O.) unaware of the attributed meaning of the producer (P.).

The restructured attributed meaning by inhabitants of the institutionalized art construct (M.), such as historians, art dealers, art critics, school teachers and curators etc. is much more readily available due to their superior communication channels and communication skills.
These skill are (not always) per default aimed at the paying audience in an audience friendly language (a language with fixed value's and meaning).
The communication of (P.) the producer on the other hand is more often than not, aimed at themselves and the career enhancing institutions and not towards the visiting audience. In a language with the clarity of site as the muddy water of the river Ganges.

What's a Blak image

The imagery of Institutional Blak art making is any kind of situation, event, idea, story, artwork or thing that's re-created according to the institutional rules within the institutional intellectual contemporary as well as historic self imposed institutional  structure. Institutional blakart can be produced in an range and combination of materials and non materials.

Art is blaka because of the fact that it's made by a blaka artist and presented in the context of a blakart structure and sometimes environment.

Blakart is a deliberate restructuring process.
At the end of this process their is an object with a deliberate meaning.
This meaning is a restructured observation (initially) of P. (the producer of a work of art) and afterwards M. (the middle man or woman in the distribution of art. Teachers, curators, critics etc...) and O.(the observers, the audience the one giving meaning to the work of art).

This meaning is always multi layered, with the emphasis on the relation of the meaning.
Meaning as a relation to the object.
Meaning as a relation to a specific situation outside the image/object.
meaning as a relation to the context, of the maker, of the audience, art history, or the inter relationship with other works on the expo site.
Meaning as a relation to...




blakart wishes
to establish and maintain a satisfying self defining relationship
where the reward is about establishing  self-identity within the community.
A community where each member is transformed by independent but united actions and/or serial relational actions that form the community and its identity.

The success of the individual member within blaka will be fast and wide in difference, but the power of blakart will always be in the collaborations
of idea's and actions between the individual members.


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Vermist Fundament

Je kwaliteit in relatie tot wat jezelf heb gemaakt, is een ego centrische context die een kwaliteit weergeeft in de relatie met de structuur/context waarin je jezelf plaatst. Deze structuur/context kan van alles zijn Surinaams Internationaal, Westers, Aziatisch, Blakart, Moderne Performance Kunst, Vergeten Geschiedenis, enz..

Ik verwijs hier naar als de ego centrische context van de blakartist en één van de pilaren die ontbreekt in de ontrafeling en beoordeling van blakart als een zelfstandige uiting. Maar het ontbreek ook in de gedocumenteerde alles verslindende context van de eurocentrische Moderne kunst.

Om oog te krijgen voor deze ego centrische blaka context moet je je kunnen interesseren voor deze ego. Deze context, deze verleden, deze heden, deze fantasie en subjectiviteit van die werkelijkheid.

In een werkelijkheid geschapen in de acceptatie en interesse voor deze uiteenlopende subjectieve werkelijkheden ligt de sleutel voor de ontdekking en fascinatie van nieuwe perspectieven in een anders vrij alledaags leven.